CDC - Caribbean Documentation Centre
CDC stands for Caribbean Documentation Centre
Here you will find, what does CDC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Caribbean Documentation Centre? Caribbean Documentation Centre can be abbreviated as CDC What does CDC stand for? CDC stands for Caribbean Documentation Centre. What does Caribbean Documentation Centre mean?Caribbean Documentation Centre is an expansion of CDC
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Alternative definitions of CDC
- Centre For Disease Control
- Crop Development Centre
- Clothing Distribution Center
- Community Development Corporation
- Christian Defense Coalition
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
View 332 other definitions of CDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CARILEC Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation
- CELN Caribbean Electronic Law Network
- CECCEC Caribbean Employers' Confederation 9CEC)
- CETP Caribbean Engineering and Technical Professionals
- CEHI Caribbean Environmental Health Institute
- CERN Caribbean Environmental Reporters' Network
- CAREC Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
- CETA Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association
- CXC Caribbean Examinations Council
- Caribbean Export Caribbean Export Development Agency
- CFY Caribbean Federation of Youth
- CFATF Caribbean Financial Action Task Force
- CFTDI Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute
- CFNI Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute
- CATS Caribbean Foundation of Theological Schools
- CHRC Caribbean Health Research Council
- CHTI Caribbean Hospitality Training Institute
- CHA Caribbean Hotel Association
- CARIRI-Trinadad Caribbean Industrial Research Institute
- CAGRIS Caribbean Information System for the Agricultural Sciences